Author Archives: SenemZen



Benim yoga ile tanışmam bir trend’e uyma amacı ile değil, ihtiyaç sonucunda oldu. Skolyoz ameliyatı sonrası yaşadığım ağrı ve sıkıntıları azaltma arayışı içerisindeyken 2004 yılında yogaya başladım. 2006’dan beri yoga eğitmenliği yapıyorum. Ilk Şavasanam bana ameliyat sonucu oluşan ağrı ve fiziksel güçlükleri yok etmek şansını veren bir sürprizdi. Yıllardan sonra ilk kez, sırtımdaki ağrı yok olmuştu. Yıllar süren ve kimi zaman hiç geçmeyecekmiş gibi gelen ağrılarımı gidererek vücudumla bütünleşmemi sağladığı için yoga benim için taptaze bir yaşamın kaynağı oldu. Bu kişisel deneyim, bana yoganın kalıcı şifalarını eğitmenlik yoluyla başka insanlarla paylaşmak için ilham kaynağı oldu.

Yogayı çok dolaysız olduğu için seviyorum: yogada öğrencilerimle olan bağım doğrudan; öğrencilerimin derste hissettikleri yoga deneyimi de öyle. Her dersin bana öğrettiği, yoganın vücuda verdiği duyumlar fiziksel olsa da, iyileşmenin tamamen zihinsel bir süreç olduğu.

Ben yoganın temellerinden (doğru nefes alma ve sağlıklı omurga hareketi) hareketle öğrencilerime öğrenme süreçlerinde ihtiyaçları olan farkındalığı veriyorum. Yoga mat’i üzerinde olsun, dışarıdaki hayatımızda olsun, kendimizi olduğumuz gibi kabul edip sevdiğimiz sürece bence zaten yoga yapıyoruzdur.

Bugüne kadar eğitimim şunları içerir:

  • 250 saat (YA / RYT) Hocalık Eğitimi: Yoga Sanctuary (2005-06)
  • Hamilelik Öncesi ve Sonrası Eğitimi: Esther Myers Yoga (2010); Yoga Sanctuary (2006),
  • Çocuk Yogası Eğitimi: Yoga Sanctuary (2008)
  • Şifa (Restorative) Yogası Hocalık Eğitimi:
  • ▪ Hali Schwartz @ Yoga Space (2008),
  • ▪ Sachne Kilner @ Yoga Plus (2011), ikisinde de 30 saat eğitim ve asistanlık.
  • Skolyoz Yoga Hocalık Eğitimi: Elise Browning Miller (2009); Yoga Space.
  • Hali Schwartz ile İleri Yoga Felsefesi/Satsang (2008-2011)
  • Karusia Wroblewski Yoga Terapi (2006, 2009)
  • Cat Kajary, Karusia Wroblewski ve Christine Cinq-Mars ile sayısız anatomi odaklı çalışma oturumları: Yoga Plus.

Diğer kişisel ilgi alanlarım chanting, yoga felsefesi ve Sanskritçedir. Hali Schwartz ile gelişmiş yoga felsefe eğitimim devam ediyor, ve Scott Petrie ile Yoga Psikolojisi kursu almış bulunuyorum.


If you are looking for a teacher who is really gentle and gives off a ton of good vibes, check out a class with Senem Sen.

Friendly and enthusiastic, she’s one of those people that make you feel like you’ve known them forever the instant you meet them. The class I took with her made me wish, wish, wish Yoga Sanctuary has a studio closer to my home. Since I can’t take her classes (unless Yoga Sanctuary opens up a location in the Junction – hint, hint), you definitely should.


Sarah Veale


Hey Senem!!!

My aunt just emailed me and told me about you moving back to Turkey for good! I’m really sad to hear that because I really liked being in your yoga classes and getting a chance to know you , and relate to you!


Britney Leigh


Senem Sen has acted as a guide to ease students like myself into a more relaxed and comfortable plane of thought. As a teacher, she understands how to gently bring students along, and also how to help them transcend the mental clutter that can impede progress. If your practice is about warmth, positive reinforcement and self-acceptance, I could not recommend a better choice for instruction.


Brian D’Souza 


Senem is yoga: integration of mind, body and spirit.

Having maintained a daily practice for three years now, I understand

her excellence: always encouraging, non-judgemental, knowledgeable, intuitive, and

in the moment- perfect alignment.

I have entrusted two of my psychotherapy patients to Senem for therapeutic

yoga. She has worked both collaboratively-and independently, achieving a new level of healthfor both patients!

Senem has made a profound difference in my life, and I know, in the lives of many others.


Barbara Symmons M.Ed. (Co.Psych.) Psychotherapist, Coach, Mindfulness Teacher


Senem’s class is unique. When your body is tired, or your mind is racing, she gets you into some relaxing poses, which somehow soothes you. At the end of class I’m much more calm than when I walked in. And now I’m ready to sleep.


David Finkelstein


I have attended many yoga classes and specialized workshops with Senem. She is the kind of teacher that you are always hoping to find: inspiring, skilled and insightful. Her approach to teaching is always respectful and compassionate. I never fail to leave her class without a renewed feeling of inner strength and peace.


Michelle Kadarusman


Hi Senem , It has been a while since I took a class from you, but what little I can remember is I felt very grounded during and after the class.




Senem teaches from her heart and with a passion that is strongly rooted in her own personal experience with yoga, its therapeutic benefits and its transformative possibilities. She communicates clearly and with sound knowledge and as a result her students are able to relax into their own individual practices while knowing that they are being supported and guided with an attentive eye to their unique experiences, physical bodies, limitations, etc. Senem generously shares her calm presence and her humble demeanor while she teaches. It is truly a gift to be one of her students.


Joshua Lewis (fellow yoga instructor) 



You are truly an amazing instructor and I feel so privileged to have worked with you, Senem. You taught me how to really listen to my students, and pay attention to very subtle things that others would not notice. That’s what turns a good yoga instructor into a great one. It’s not enough to simply have the best verbal cues, or the best yoga voice, or even the best type of yoga pose sequences. In addition to all of that, you specifically have a keen sense of intuition on what the students are feeling, and what they require to take them to the greatest state of comfort in their practice. While there are many ‘good’ yoga instructors out there, few lack the unique ability to really connect with their students. Your humble and giving personality is most likely the root of that. You are by far, the ‘real deal’ when it comes to yoga.


Kyneret Azizo (who was my assistant for a year, now fellow yoga instructor)


I remember taking a partner yoga class taught by my two favourite yogis (one of which is Senem). While demonstrating handstands, Senem told us she was still working on being upside down which she wasn’t entirely comfortable with it yet. She was willing to admit to us her own limitations and this instantly made me more comfortable with mine.

She is a kind, gentle and knowledgeable teacher, but Senem’shonesty and humbleness most inspiring!


Rebekah McGurran


When you’re in Senem’s class, you are never left on your own, you are always under her watchful eyes. She always eagerly corrects your poses or gives you advise on how to improve your posture in different poses. And, if you ever ask her a question she is totally committed and spends all the time necessary to answer your question.


Hadi Jalali


Senem: Your Yoga classes have been a therapy for my body. When I go to your class my back hurts and when I come out the pain is gone. Thank you for rebalancing my body- I love your class.


Indra Hoffmann


My first yoga class was with Senem. The thought of doing yoga with its many varied poses was very intimidating to me, but Senem’s expert instruction and guidance made this first time student feel very welcome.


Colin Barrett


You are a fantastic yoga teacher and I appreciate how you take the time to give individual attention to students to help them approve and adapt the teaching to their own body. You are always willing to provide useful commentary and adjustments to students. I also enjoy how you also demonstrate the poses yourself instead of just telling the class what is next. I miss going to your classes and hope to come again sometime soon.


Chad Fletcher


Senem’s Restorative Yoga gently helps you release your body’s natural energy, so much of the time all tied up in knots by our 2lst Century citylife. Very freeing, very powerful.


Edward Shaw


Dear Senem,

Yesterday’s class was such a innovative and great class and you have done it again!

Without air conditioning, instead of going into vigorous work you took it slow easy class and it just fit yesterdays scenario perfect as we had lots of new comers.

Great Work Senem! I enjoyed very much as always.

(I take Yoga Class 7 days a week. I like Senem’s restorative included Hatha class very much. She combines all poses in a short one and half hour class very well.

Starts a very slow but before you know it get very active 10 to 15 mins . I am always looking forward to go to her class. Especially the last session of shoulder press: this is worth $15 byitself.)


Yoko Ishii


Dear Senem

Well you have now been back in Turkey for a month and although I am very happy for you, I just want you to know that I miss you terribly.

For the 3 years that I took your yoga class Wednesdays were my favourite day of the week Your class always seemed to give me exactly what I needed that day You gave me energy when I was feeling lethargic You gave me calm and peace when I was stressed. You lifted me up when I was sad [I will never forget when my mum died. You were SO kind and generous of your time and your spirit]

I loved how you managed to work every part of the body. After your class I ALWAYS felt energized and refreshed, calm and serene. I felt that I could “conquer ” the world and tackle any thing that my day sent my way. There will be other yoga teachers but there never will be another you!! More than anything I miss you. Your kind gentle approach.Your enthusiasm. Your sweet smile.Your kind thoughtful way.

I wish you all good things in your new life in Turkey. I hope that you know how much you impacted my life. Yes my knees and my poor back thank you so much but more than anything my spirit thanks you for being part of my life. You added so much joy to me.

Thank you

Mary Graham

I would like to offer a few words of recommendation for Senem Sen. I had the great good fortune of getting to know her in both a professional and personal capacity in Toronto where she began studying with me in 2005. For 6 years she was been involved in studying the more advanced subjects of yoga: yoga history and philosophy; chanting; meditation; Sanskrit; and restorative yoga, to name just a few. She participated in five of my advanced teacher training courses in the above subjects and in each of these subjects she displayed a keen understanding as well as an excellent ability to communicate this with her students. For me, this is the key to a good teacher – the one who not only understands, but who is able to share and communicate this understanding. Senem is deeply committed to her own yoga practice and in my opinion, this is why she has made her mark as an excellent teacher. For several years she was my no. 1 substitute teacher even though she was a full fledged high level teacher in her own right. Each time she taught for me, the students would praise her to me, for her generosity and sense of humor and for her succinct and inspiring way of instructing. I truly believe that any yoga school or studio would benefit greatly by having Senem as a teacher.

Please feel free to email me if you have any further questions or inquiries.


Hali Schwartz (ERYT, BFA)